Thursday, November 6, 2014

It's Almost Time

Time is flying by so fast. I've promised updates and more information and before I know it, it's almost  time for our procedure! I've had a horrible couple weeks with writers block and that's most of the reason I haven't been able to get this post up. So I'm going to kind of make it list like... which is informal and un-blogish but  hey I gotta do what I gotta do! Another thing I've been struggling with is all my thoughts and emotions ... I feel like I want to put it out there. I don't mind expressing my feelings and thoughts on this journey especially because it's still such a taboo issue and I want to do away with all that judgement and negativity and heck that's what 98% of this blog has been so far. But I know if I start getting into all that now then we could be here for HOURS. haha. So for now I'll just get the basics out there again and answer some common questions that I've been asked and then maybe in the next few days I can delve into the mushy stuff.

  • Our clinic is in Grand Rapids, about a 2 hour drive since it's right off the expressway. 
  • We will be doing our transfer on Friday November 21 in the AM sometime, but won't find out the time until the week of. 
  • In the world of infertility the frozen embryo babies are often referred to as "embabies". 
  • We do have 3 embabies that we will be transferring.
  • The success rates of a frozen embryo transfer is about 25%. 
  • Is there a chance for multiples? Yes
  • Once again, an embryo is already fertilized (neither mine nor Jason's DNA).  It's a 2 day old baby, 4 cells, ready to be implanted!
  • Is it expensive? Of course it's expensive!! It's a little less than the complete IVF and a lot less than traditional adoption however. 
  • I'm trying  Acupuncture in hopes that that will increase our odds of success. 
  • I'm also trying a few little tips and tricks here and there such as: drinking pomegranate juice, eating raspberries, keeping my feet warm and putting a heating pad to my abdomen occasionally to help the blood flow. 
  • Since October 18 I've been taking injections of a medication called Lupron and I'll continue with those until 4 days before the procedure. This past Tuesday I began my Estrogen pills and 3 days before the procedure I will start my injections of Progesterone with a slew of other medications like antibiotics, steroids, etc. 
  • Jason and I will be staying the night in Grand Rapids that Thursday night so we aren't rushing around in the morning and stressing...and bonus ... we'll be enjoying some PF Changs to help celebrate this journey!
  • I have to stay for an hour or so after the procedure with my feet up and relax. We've decided to come home that same day and I have to spend Friday on strict bedrest, only getting up to pee. And then all weekend I have to take it easy and rest. Sounds like a good Friends binge watching opportunity to me :) 
Again a huge thank you to everyone for all your positive thoughts, prayers, words of encouragement, listening, advice giving, anything and everything you all have done for us. We appreciate it and love each and everyone of you! 

*Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.- Mother Teresa*

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step --- Lao Tzu

Well hello there.
It's been a loooong time since I've visited this blog or even given thought to writing on it. A LOT has happened since I've last wrote and by A LOT I mean a lot. I don't really feel at this time like going into much detail because frankly I don't have the energy and I've used a lot of my talking up to doctors and counselors. However, I will catch you all up enough so that you understand what I'm talking about here.
As we all know, Jason and I have been trying to conceive for around 4 years, obviously unsuccessfully. I've checked out good. Jason finally had his biopsy in March, and was officially diagnosed with Stertoli Cell Only Syndrome. For the record (and I know this may come off as TMI to a lot of people, especially family) but I want to clarify something because of the looks I get. When I say that means there is no sperm produced, that's just it, there is no sperm. NOT semen , it's different... go back to sex ed. The semen analysis checked out perfect; except, well, the main ingredient that we need is missing.
It was a tough blow...finally knowing that it was official and there is not one damn thing we can do about it. We went dormant on the issue , then dabbled with the thought of adoption. After doing research and connecting with a few agencies, we realized adoption was not for us and the cost alone put it to a screeching halt. We had been very close to doing an embryo adoption before and one day I saw a friend's picture of her little girl (whom she was blessed with through embryo adoption).  Jason and I talked and decided that, indeed, that was the route that was right for us all along. We had went to a free seminar through a fertility clinic in Grand Rapids over a year ago to check out their embryo adoption program. I gave them a call and we got an appointment scheduled in June to discuss becoming candidates for the program.
Our appointment went well, we passed all the "tests" and told we could become patients and get into the program and on the waiting list. We paid our down deposit to ensure a spot on the list and told we would hear from them in about 9 to 12 months, give or take. We were number 30 and the wait depended on the supply of embryos available and the other couples ahead of us, using them or passing on them and so many other things that don't really make a difference to this story, except that it may be a hell of a wait. I knew it would be a long time but I still came in through the front door everyday and always checked the phone for a flashing light.  Then in August we got a call that we were progressing pretty fast on the list ...however, I am still slightly confused because we actually aren't all that far up. They told us that we could schedule our appointment for our nurse consultation and the mock transfer/sonohystogram. The mock transfer/sonohystogram was an ultrasound where saline was instilled into the uterus to check the size, shape and measurements to make sure everything looks good and so they would know where to "shoot the babies to" when it came time to do the actual procedure. The nurse consultation was to go over medications, time frames of medications/check ups and a lot of paper signing. A few days before the appointment we were presented with a profile of embryos even though we were technically still considered pretty low on the list. This set came from another clinic in Grand Rapids that was merged with this clinic, so there wasn't as much information and history on them as this clinic gets from their donors. Knowing what we wanted and were looking for and doing the research on this, both now and in the past, we knew what information they provided was enough to make us comfortable in accepting them. And that's what we did. We told them OK, we'll take them! Someone has to give these little ones a chance and we will!
Given a rough estimate  and that things go according to plan our transfer/procedure date will be late November.
OK,  so now I'm going to answer (hopefully) all the questions you have... 
When a couple goes through IVF (in vitro)  they may have left over embryos frozen in storage, couples are now donating them for other couples to use. It legally can not be called an adoption due to laws and crap so that's more of a blanket term or easier way to put it so people understand. Pretty much I will be able to carry and experience pregnancy of my adopted child. These embryos are  2 day old babies consisting of four cells, they were  made from the eggs and sperms of that couple to form these teeny, tiny little frozen babies. I will go through a procedure almost identical to a mom who has done in vitro with what they call a "frozen cycle", yup there's another little bit of info for you, not all in vitro babies are "fresh cycles". Anyways, I'll be on about a month and a half of various medications to prepare my body and mock a pregnancy in hopes that one of the three embryos they put in will attach and find a home for the next nine months! The babies will be thawed out the day before the procedure and then I'll go in that morning and undergo a sterile procedure where they are inserted in just like with in vitro. I know this is pretty new and unheard of to the majority of people, so I don't mind the questions but I hope that this may help people to understand. To everyone that gets to deal with me these next two months I apologize in advance. I'll be on a lot of hormones, rigid time schedules and under stress. I know not everyone will fully understand why we chose this route but we did and we have our reasons and our whys and we ask that you just accept that that is the way it is and support us in this journey. We will take any and all prayers, blessings, good thoughts, best wishes, blown on eyelashes & dandelions, and crossed fingers and toes that we can get. Thanks and love to you all, XOXO. 

P.S. I'll try to update and keep track of this whirlwind of journey we are about to embark on! 

*Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen! *

Friday, March 9, 2012

Journey: passage or progress from one stage to another: the journey to success.

Ok here it comes again. More bitching and whining and ranting. But damn it all if I can't get over this nagging "why". Will I EVER truly get over it? How do I make it go away or at least lessen it? When will I be able to gain my faith and strength back and be able to crawl out of bed every day with a smile, hell let alone just be able to crawl out of bed.

Yesterday I learned that yet again another person who does not deserve to be pregnant is. Her husband was (who knows maybe is) a drug addict, they are severly financially unstable, extremely immature and still live with her parents. And yet they are given God's gift. WHY?
Jason and I are here; mature adults (for the most part ;) ), financially secure in all ways, have steady jobs, a nice house, etc etc etc and still are empty handed. WHY?
Someone told me that going to work and seeing all these moms and babies and then worse the bad moms who still get thier babies is like having our infertility issues rubbed in my face everyday for 12 hours...Yup that pretty much sums up going to work anymore...
It hurts my heart so much it makes me want to puke.

In our recent days of our journey embryo adoption has been something we have been strongly leaning to. Jason doesn't really want to do the biopsy and as his wife I respect his decision and his body. The thought of using donor sperm doesn't settle well at all with me or with Jason. Yet I want to be pregnant and experience all that wonderful stuff! Hence, embryo adoption.I know most of you are thinking what the heck is that!?

Well when couples go through in vitro sometimes they have left over embryos that they keep in storage. Some of those couples come to the wonderful decision to donate those to couples who are looking to complete their families. 

Of course there is alot of emotional aspects to this decision, believe me. We've got that covered and we are working on that.
Now people aren't just going to give thier embryos to anyone. This process involves agency involvement, home case studies, legal contracts and then the process itself.  This makes me think again back to the why?
Why are we forced to be put into a home study to see if we are "okayed" to be parents when there are tons of moms out there who are doped up on drugs abusing thier children and STILL get to take them home? Why do we have to "pay" to become parents when it comes so easy for 95% of people out there? Why do we have to be put through all these tests and emotions and struggles?

Even if we do get approved and everything works out the way they are "suppose" to in this case then we still have the fact that the pregnancy may not take. A frozen embryo transfer has a 25-35% success rate each time and of course each time costs money. I hate, hate, hate that money even has to be a factor. Of course I said we are financially stable but never did I say rich. Which is what I feel like I need to be in order for this to happen.

They say that God will only give you as much as you can handle and get you through it but I honestly feel like I can't take anymore. It consumes me as hard as I try to not let it. It depresses me and it beats me down. I've become a horrible wife, friend, co-worker, and everything else I'm supposed to be. I make my way from my bed to my couch and then back to my bed.  I feel like I'm just going through the motions of life everyday. What the fuck!? It's not supposed to be this way! How can I find my strength and faith and my belief in God again!? How can I get up and get motivated to get to the gym and eat right to make myself feel better? Am I a horrible person for thinking and feeling this way??
I was told it's ok because technically I am grieving a "loss" but I still feel weak and ridiculous.

*All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired- Martin Luther*  

Monday, March 5, 2012

Just A Little Update Of No Updates

It's been a while since I've wrote on here but things have pretty much been at a standstill since we hit our wall. If I thought the road before the wall was rough boy was I wrong. I don't feel like I should have to explain my feelings and reasonings to anyone but for some reason I feel the need to.

The conversations about the issue aren't an everyday thing anymore but that doesn't mean it's not on my mind constantly. Obviously from my Facebook posts people have gathered the idea that I'm depressed, but honestly what else would one expect. Of course I am; I'm depressed, I'm hurt, I'm broken...I've lost faith and feel failured...

The reason it seems like we are  rushed and to make hast decisions is because we really don't have time on our hands. Yes we are young, but research has proven that once testicular failure happens, it progressively gets worse not better. Hence, if we have anything in there, we need to get it now and not wait around to see what "might happen".

*A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. -
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. *

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Well just as we expect from throws curves. We've discovered we aren't on the same page with anything and don't agree on much of our options. So therefore we are taking a break from trying to conceive.

It's just become beyond stressful and tiring. The stress is continuous and its daunting. I'm tired of the tears related to every bump along the way, every option we try to explore and thinking of the consequences of them in the future and crying every time I start my period.

I'm depressed, I'm hurt, I'm angry, I'm jealous and I don't like being this way. I've decided to focus on our relationship and making it stronger and focus on myself too and what makes me happy again. I'm angry and confused with God and need to find him in my life again before I can expect to move on with a family. I do believe there are so many things in our life that need to fit into the puzzle just right before it will come together perfectly as I've been hoping it would. I think I've been trying to put the puzzle together with just the wrong pieces that look right from far away but up close have a jagged edge...

Don't relate this to "ignoring" the problem or sweeping it under the rug and covering it up with materialistic things. It's just putting the problem on the back burner for now and coming back to it when we are 100% fully ready, together.

We won't be talking about babies or trying until we are ready to do that again but believe me we will let you all know !!

*Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

Mother Teresa *

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We Shook Hands On It!.....hahaha....

Well after a much emotional and teeter tottering type of week we've come to our conclusion. I feel as though I am reading off a jury's decision or something here....We first had decided we were going to just do a donor insemination, then after much research and thoughts we decided that is not an option we want to pursue...

We are going to do IVF with a biopsy. We are planning on doing it in June to give us time to prepare and whatnot. It may be later than that depending on how things go. We want to be as best prepared as possible. Sperm takes 3 months to grow and mature and this gives us time to change eating habits, get healthier and take supplements and take advantage of other types of treatments. I say we because all though I am fine it wouldn't hurt at all to become healthier myself and give myself the best possible welcoming "home" and good eggs for the procedure.

We are going to look into Accupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine as it as been linked to helping with infertility. Not to mention the already 800 supplements that we are already taking!

We are going to look into another doctor's appt to make sure we have all the questions answered and all the possible treatment options available as well as making sure the procedure of the biopsy is the best possible option for looking for sperm.

Jason is going to do another semen analysis once to twice more within these next few months to see if anything has changed. Shit, I'd be thrilled with even a few thousand. We are ok with the IVF it's just the possibility of sperm or no sperm that has us the most worried.

Waiting until we are sure we are ready and have the best possible chance for finding sperm (and of decent quality) will give us the peace for taking the most expensive leap of faith ever!!!!!

If this fails it's going to be heartbreaking and we will take a break for a few years, maybe be put on a waiting list for adoption (since it takes 4-5 years and can be 30k+) . Of course my dream would be to carry a baby and knowing that may never happen makes me sick...something I hate to think about but have to...Who knows maybe do donor embryos....or there may be medical advances or a miracle that happen during that wait...

I'm hoping during this wait/journey I can learn to be happy for others again, learn to not let it hurt me when people discover or talk about thier pregnancies  and learn just alot in general overall with my life.

If anyone has any questions, advice, etc please feel free to share or talk with us. Obviously we aren't ashamed to talk about this journey so we welcome everyone, if we don't feel like talking about it at that certain time believe me we will tell you :) We aren't asking anyone to agree with our decision just for support. We ask for prayers and good thoughts to  guide us through our decision, our journey and most of all that we find sperm!!! :) As always thank you all ~~~~<3

*Don't be discouraged. It's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock. - Unknown*

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Some Information For You!

Just thought if anyone didn't really understand IVF here's a website that I found that explains it the best way I could find... (we would be doing the IVF with ICSI)
(Due to security reasons and whatever and whatnot I had to delete the links to the information. Sorry.) 
Also if anyone is interested in reading anything about infertility or helping others with the disease this is a great website I visit often!

*A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. – Lao Tze*